New Life Ministries

New Life Ministries


Dallas Lehman

Dallas Lehman is the Missions Coordinator for New Life Ministries. Dallas is in his 43rd year as a professional educator.  He has served for 10 years in public education and 33 years in Christian education.  He has been a teacher, coach and administrator in both public and private schools. 
Mr. Lehman has participated on a Co-Mission trip to the Ukraine where he participated in two city wide educator seminars and led several small discussion groups of school administrators in that country and helped provide materials such as the Bible, the Jesus film and books to those school leaders to help them restore morality back into their schools. In addition, he has led numerous local and regional mission trips for students in Christian schools to such places as New York City, Chicago, Appalachia, and Youngstown, and a local boys' home in this area.
Dallas has also led six cross cultural missions trips to the Dominican Republic, Mexico, Honduras, and Guatemala.  He believes that it is impossible to have Christian education (both in the school and in the church) without Christian service and as such arranges these types of trips to make the greatest impact on young people.  Reaching out with the Love of God is fulfilling the Great Commission (Matt. 28:18 - 20), and it is showing the heart of the Father, who sent His Son to seek and save those who are lost.  He says, " Let's pray and support the ministry of missions through the church and get involved so that we can fulfill God's plan and bring Him the glory He deserves while bringing people to Christ.  What an amazing opportunity and experience!"

Here are the Tovars: Victor, Lori, Tori, and Dalia. The Tovars are our missionaries to India.   Their family is pictured here in Indian dress.  They are
"Reaching the Least Reached in India."

    They are located in Patna, Bihar which is in the northeast part of India, a very unreached area.  Their ministry is to assist local believers in planting churches and enabling them to effectively minister to their communities.  It is estimated that there are just a few thousand believers in this state of a hundred million people.  Their ministry verse is Romans 10:14 & 15.
"How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher?
And how shall they preach, except they be sent? as it is written, How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things!"

The Tovar Family

Operation Christmas Child Shoe Box

Here is your opportunity to be a missionary!

"Operation Christmas Child" brings joy and hope to children in desperate situations worldwide through simple, gift-filled shoe boxes and evangelistic materials that tell the Good News of God's Love.

Everyone can participate. If you're in the Louisville, Alliance, or Canton/N Canton area please stop by New Life Ministries and pick up the information packets. We are located at 6140 Louisville St NE; Louisville, OH 44641. Collection of the shoe boxes will begin November 14th.

You can check out Smaraitan's Purse by clicking on this link .

Send email to Pastor Allen